Olesia TROFYMENKO was born in 1982.

She’s graduates from National Academy of Fine Art & Architecture (NAFAA) of Ukraine – the faculty of painting and temple culture – (2001-2007).

Till 2003 for present time, she works as a set decorator and production designer of movies, TV series ans commercials.

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Artistic palette

Mixed techniques – painting and embroidery – are the product of my procrastination.

Show Dior Autumn-Winter 2022-2023

Other paintings


Featured exhibitions


Reflection” NAFAA, Ukraine, Kiev

R.E.S.” (Revolution Experimental Space) Centre of Contemporary Art, Ukraine, Kiev


Ukrainian Hermitage” Centre of Contemporary Art, Ukraine, Kiev

Control” Centre of Contemporary Art, Ukraine, Kiev

Artists Respond. Ukrainian Art and Revolution” Ukrainian Institute of Modern Art, USA, Chicago.


Day in day out“, “Dzyga” gallery, Ukraine, Lviv

L2” Festival Warsztaty Kultury, Poland, Lublin

Should the world break in”  “Bereznitsky gallery & partners” projects of Adam Nankervis, Ukraine, Kiev.


Trained Glitches” Mala Gallery of Mystetskyi Arsenal, Ukraine, Kiev.


Coefficient of the Independence” America House Kyiv

Coal Goal” Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Kyiv

Imagio Mundi” Luciano Benetton Collection, Italy


Textus” VKC, Ukraine, Kiev

The Noise” (in collaboration with Yaroslav Kolomijchuck) America House Kyiv


Ukrainian VR Pavilion at Paris+par Art-Basel

Art.UA 31 year of independence of Ukrainian art” Wien, Austria


« Que la lumière soit » Centre Culturel de l’Ambassade d’Ukraine en France, Paris

« Wyszyte » Biuro Wystaw Artyscznych w Kielcach.

Personal exhibition


Noire” Mala Gallery of Mystetskyi Arsenal


Hidden” The Naked room gallery, Kyiv


The Wave” the scenographic installation for Dior Autumn-Winter 2022-2023 Haute Couture show